Get The Counsel That Your Commercial Entity Needs Regarding Insurance Coverage Concerns
The Loyd Law Firm, is not a personal injury law firm pursuing compensation from negligent parties. Rather, it represents first-party insurance claimants who experience trouble recovering insurance benefits for property damage, business interruptions, and other property and commercial property claims. Our lawyers skillfully navigate complicated scenarios that put our clients’ rights and interests on the line in connection with insurance coverage disputes. Several problem areas that we sometimes confront for our clients are described below.
Duty To Defend
Under most business liability policies, the carrier assumes the duty to defend a policyholder against any suit that is covered by the policy. The duty to defend is the obligation to retain counsel and to pay attorney’s fees, expert expenses, mediation and other costs associated with defending a lawsuit. If your business has been sued, you should immediately notify your liability carrier. If your carrier denies this duty to defend, give us a call for a free case evaluation.
Business Interruption
Your business property coverage likely provides business interruption coverage. If your business was shut down due to covered a loss such as a fire or a tornado, you should recover your lost business revenue. For some losses, such as the Government shutdowns due to Covid 19, business interruption coverage can be tricky. If you are unsure whether you have business interruption coverage, contact us for a free coverage analysis.
Did your commercial entity have indemnity insurance such as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance or professional malpractice insurance pertinent to certain occupations within your business? If so, your insurer should indemnify and protect your business in case of allegations of negligence. If this does not happen, seek legal counsel.
Our Readiness To Advocate For You
In case of a controversy between your business and your insurer, contact an experienced insurance claims attorney. Our lawyers are known for determination and creative problem-solving. Our attorneys have a great deal of experience cutting through the red tape of many types of insurance coverage disputes in Texas.
To schedule a consultation, call 210-775-2234 or email us.